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Strategic Partner Expands Adapt2 Platform Internationally

Strategic Partner Expands Adapt2 Platform Internationally

Adapt2 will enable a leading U.S. based energy utility to simplify and streamline operations in Mexico’s electricity market, CENACE.

HOUSTON, Texas (June 22, 2022)  Adapt2 Solutions, a leading provider of AI-enabled, multi-market operations and power trading software, is expanding with a Fortune 500 Utility, enabling the company to leverage Adapt2’s flagship Bid-to-Bill solution (B2B), for international, essential operations in the Centro Nacional de Control de Energia (National Center for Energy Control – CENACE), Mexico’s wholesale electricity market.

“We leverage the Adapt2 platform for several markets; it was a simple decision to replace our existing CENACE solution and expand with a partner we know we can trust,” said Director Risk & Structuring.  “The Adapt2 team has consistently provided us with robust solutions, and we have confidence in our expansion for full coverage in Mexico.”

The project will offer a cost-effective way to streamline market downloads, market submissions, contract hedging, bilateral operations, invoicing and give greater visibility into electricity settlements. With Adapt2, this fortune 500 utility will automate front and back-office processes, leverage big data, and apply advanced machine learning analytics for more strategic decision making.

“We are excited to be part of one of our long-standing client’s international operations” said Francisco Diaz, President of Adapt2 Solutions.  “We will continue to innovate with strategic partners like them and deliver advanced technology solutions.”

To learn more about how Adapt2 is accelerating power and gas market operations, visit www.energyexemplar.com/adapt2 for more information on upcoming energy management webinars. 


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