2 min read

ČEZ’s Strategic Energy Decisions with PLEXOS: Nearly Two Decades of Impact

ČEZ’s Strategic Energy Decisions with PLEXOS: Nearly Two Decades of Impact
ČEZ’s Strategic Energy Decisions with PLEXOS: Nearly Two Decades of Impact

As Energy Exemplar celebrates its 25th anniversary, we reflect on the experiences of our long-standing users who have played a pivotal role in shaping the future of energy modeling. One such partner is ČEZ, a leading Czech utility company, and one of the longest-standing PLEXOS users in Europe.

We spoke to Petr Jonas, Head of Market Modelling, who has been with the company since 2010 and has witnessed firsthand how PLEXOS has become an integral tool in their energy strategy. Petr shared how ČEZ uses PLEXOS to make informed investment decisions, manage environmental responsibilities, and plan for a sustainable future.


A Short Background on ČEZ 

ČEZ Group is one of the largest utility companies in Central and Eastern Europe, primarily engaged in electricity generation, distribution, and trading. Founded in 1992, ČEZ has played a critical role in the Czech Republic's energy sector, with operations extending to several other countries. The company is heavily involved in renewable energy, nuclear power, and the transition to more sustainable energy systems. ČEZ’s strategic use of PLEXOS has enabled the company to stay at the forefront of energy innovation and environmental stewardship. 


ČEZ’s Long-Standing Relationship with PLEXOS 

ČEZ’s journey with PLEXOS began in 2006, following a thorough evaluation of available tools at the time. According to Petr, the original team at ČEZ spent six months meticulously calibrating the model, a process that laid the foundation for the company's long-term use of PLEXOS. Petr underscores the careful planning and commitment that ČEZ invested in integrating PLEXOS into their operations.  


Harnessing PLEXOS for Daily Operations and Long-Term Planning 

ČEZ uses PLEXOS daily for long-term fundamental modeling, which is crucial for making strategic investment decisions. Petr shares how the company uses PLEXOS to evaluate aging coal power plants and explore sustainable alternatives such as heat pumps, electric heaters, and hydro storage. This modeling allows ČEZ to combine different technologies effectively to achieve the best outcomes for both their business and the environment. 


Detailed Modeling for Strategic Investment 

Ten years ago, ČEZ undertook an ambitious project to model the entire Czech portfolio within PLEXOS, covering everything from heat obligations to ancillary services. Petr highlights this achievement, noting how this detailed modeling enabled ČEZ to make more informed investment decisions. The ability to predict and simulate complex scenarios in great detail is a testament to PLEXOS's powerful capabilities. 


Balancing Profitability with Environmental Responsibility 

As a utility company, ČEZ is focused on profitability, but not at the expense of the environment. Petr explains how PLEXOS helps ČEZ identify non-profitable power plants that are also environmentally unsustainable. By using PLEXOS to guide decommissioning decisions, ČEZ can prepare for a cleaner, more efficient future while maintaining profitability.


Stability and Reliability in Energy Modeling

One of the key advantages of using PLEXOS is its stability and reliability over time. Petr notes that after many years of use and meticulous calibration, ČEZ rarely needs to collaborate with Energy Exemplar for support, as the model is robust and self-sufficient. This reliability allows ČEZ to focus on their core operations, confident that PLEXOS will continue to deliver accurate and actionable insights.

A Journey of Innovation and Leadership 

As Energy Exemplar celebrates 25 years, ČEZ’s story serves as a proud example of how companies can embrace innovation while navigating the complex demands of the energy sector. Petr Jonas’s insights into ČEZ’s use of PLEXOS highlight the power of detailed modeling in making strategic decisions that balance profitability with sustainability. Through this journey, ČEZ has demonstrated leadership in energy transition, using PLEXOS to shape a cleaner and more efficient future.

We are grateful for the opportunity to support ČEZ’s forward-thinking approach, and their success is a testament to the strength and reliability of the PLEXOS platform. Together, we are contributing to a more sustainable energy landscape, and we look forward to continuing to empower transformative energy decisions for many years to come.


Watch the full interview below and explore more customer testimonials on our YouTube channel.

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