
Examining Hydrogen in the Energy System of the Future



Baringa is a management consultancy that covers multiple sectors, with a strong presence in the energy industry. They have been named as the top management consultancy in utilities and energy sectors by the Financial Times. Baringa collaborates with organizations across the energy value chain. One area Baringa has been focusing on exploring is the key role of hydrogen in the energy transition.

Use Cases

  • Hydrogen modeling
  • Gas/ Power co-optimization
  • Resource expansion
  • Market design and policy

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England Countryside-1
Case study

Modeling the Role of Hydrogen in Energy System of the Future

A management consultancy with a strong presence in energy, Baringa has been working with the Hydrogen Council to answer key questions about the role that hydrogen will play in the future. Learn how they approached answering these questions, and what they found in the full case study. 

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Case Study Presentation

Optimization of regional infrastructure for production, transport & storage of hydrogen


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