Modeling Eastern European Gas - Without Russia
The Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar (EIHP) is owned by the Republic of Croatia it was founded by the government to support the liberalization and privatization of the energy market. The EIHP is commissioned to provide technical support to the Eastern European Natural Gas Partnership (EE-NGP) which was established by USAID, USEA, and the Natural Gas Transmission System Operators (TSOs) of Eastern Europe to promote regional coordination.
Use Cases
- Cost of Gas Forecasts
- Regional Flows, Production & Inventory
- LNG Global Trading
- Policy Impact Analysis
Hear from EIHP

Case Study
Modeling Eastern European Gas - Without Russia
Learn how EIHP uses PLEXOS to aid the Eastern European Natural Gas Partnership (EE-NGP) with diversification of gas supply, tariff modelling, and supply shortage assessment in aid of a more coordinated and cooperative regional natural gas system for Eastern Europe.