Case Study

DESFA Finds Benefits of Underground Gas Storage (UGS) Facility with CBA in PLEXOS

The European National regulatory authorities (NRAs) have a key role in ensuring European countries meet energy market targets, and implement EU regulations. As a result, they require that TSOs perform Cost Benefit Analyses (CBAs) prior to the development of new projects.  CBAs assess the costs and benefits of an investment to assess welfare change attributable to the investment.  

In this case study, you will:

  • Learn why European NRAs require TSOs perform CBAs
  • Discover why co-optimized modeling is critical to calculating the full benefits of a project
  • Find out why DESFA selected PLEXOS to perform the CBA of an Underground Gas Storage (UGS) facility in Greece
  • Learn what monetized and non-monetized benefits DESFA discovered in the CBA performed in PLEXOS

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This use case was presented live at Xcelerate Lisbon in September 2022.

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