
Why the Energy Transition Demands Integrated System Planning

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Planning for an optimal and reliable future power grid is becoming increasingly difficult. Utility and energy planners are confronted with a series of complex demands and challenges including the growing demand for electricity, extreme weather events, the increase of distributed energy resources and the uptick in regulatory changes. 

In this increasingly complex energy landscape, traditional siloed planning simply will not suffice. The realities of modern-day generation, transmission and distribution demand a more cohesive approach - enter integrated system planning (ISP). 

In this e-book, you'll learn:

  • What integrated system planning (ISP) is
  • How ISP differs from integrated resource planning (IRP)
  • The three key components required to make the change to integrated system planning
  • Salt River Project's lessons learned on the ISP journey 
To access the Integrated System Planning e-book, submit the form on this page.


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