Regional Power Datasets for PLEXOS®

All power datasets come with a pre-configured backcast year of hourly model results, demonstrating the model's accuracy. In North America and Europe, the datasets also come with long-term capacity build-out and corresponding power price forecast covering a 10 to 25-year horizon.

Model with Confidence

Energy Exemplar datasets are pre-configured market models allowing users to run analyses with lower start-up costs and unmatched data accuracy. Run analysis such as:

  • Long-term and short-term power price formation
  • Transmission congestion
  • Fuel consumption and budgeting
  • Valuation of new generation projects for both renewable and thermal generators
  • Timing of new resource additions and retirement decisions
  • Impact of generator and transmission outages, and more

Learn more about regional power datasets

North America

North American Datasets are available for

  • PLEXOS for zonal or nodal analysis covering ERCOT, WECC and EIC.
  • Aurora  for zonal analysis covering ERCOT, WECC and EIC.

North American datasets include a 20+ year price forecast for 139 areas, incorporating over 26,000 generators with unique operating characteristics.

With our North American Datasets you'll be able to:

  • Understand the impact of new generators and load growth on power prices
  • Run you own sensitivities and cases on top of our benchmarked Simulation Ready Datasets
  • Understand congestion and LMPs with our nodal product
NAM datasets
North American Dataset Specifications

Latin America

The Simulation Ready Latin America Dataset includes a 15 to 30 year price forecast for 53 zones, incorporating over 600 generators with unique operating characteristics.

LATAM Datasets-1
Latin American Dataset Specifications


Our Simulation Ready Datasets are available to support PLEXOS models across Europe. 

European datasets include a forecast to 2050 for 47 bidding zones, designed to be easily customized and provide a quick start for PLEXOS modelers.

With our European Datasets you’ll be able to:

  • Understand the impact of the energy transition and low carbon economy on electricity generation, capacity mix, wholesale market prices, interconnector flows, emissions, storage and other fundamental drivers
  • Run your own sensitivities and cases on top of our benchmarked Simulation Ready Datasets
  • Understand market-coupling between electricity, hydrogen and gas markets

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EMEA Datasets v2

European Dataset Specifications

Asia Pacific

Our Simulation Ready Datasets are available to Our Simulation Ready Datasets are available for Australia NEM, Australia WEM, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan, and Singapore.

APAC Datasets

Asia Pacific Dataset Specifications

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