
Co-Optimized Planning: The Key to Energy Reliability and Affordability

The electrification of transportation, heating, cooling, and more is helping the US make headway toward decarbonization. But the move to electrify everything brings up several important questions for utilities: How will we generate the electricity needed to power an electrified future? How will state and federal decarbonization goals be impacted by policy and regulations? Will the grid be able to operate reliably, especially in regions that may experience energy shortages?

New England is a perfect case study to contemplate these questions with. When demand forecasts and potential shortfalls - due to a range of variables - are taken into account, it becomes clear that ISO New England needs co-optimized power and gas planning to ensure a holistic view of the energy landscape. In this e-book, dive into the details of the ISO New England case study for co-optimized planning. 

In this e-book, you'll learn:

  • How system operators can identify both opportunities and possible shortfalls by evaluating power and natural gas market dynamics together.
  • How gaps between supply, demand, and emissions goals were identified through analysis of New England's energy trajectory.
  • Why co-optimized planning is the key to energy reliability and affordability.
To access the Co-Optimized Planning e-book, submit the form to this page.
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